TOP Ambulance service near me on map
Ambulance service in Manila
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 2.6km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.818200 RAPID Ambulance Service, 570.8km, call me: +63 933 946 8588
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 202.9km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 4.500000 Sagip Buhay Ambulance Services, 99.6km, call me: +63 42 373 4519
- 4.583300 Stat Med Ambulance Service, 37.8km, call me: +63 915 755 9232
- 4.750000 SPHC AMBULANCE SERVICES, 31.2km, call me: +63 945 635 7668
- 4.583300 Life Alert Medical Clinic and Ambulance Services, 18.7km, call me: +63 2 8809 1459
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 18.5km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.583300 ER MED Ambulance Services, 15.8km, call me: +63 915 132 4861
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 14.3km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
Ambulance service in Quezon City
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 7.1km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.818200 RAPID Ambulance Service, 572.2km, call me: +63 933 946 8588
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 199.2km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 4.500000 Sagip Buhay Ambulance Services, 100km, call me: +63 42 373 4519
- 4.583300 Stat Med Ambulance Service, 41.9km, call me: +63 915 755 9232
- 4.750000 SPHC AMBULANCE SERVICES, 36.9km, call me: +63 945 635 7668
- 4.583300 Life Alert Medical Clinic and Ambulance Services, 23.3km, call me: +63 2 8809 1459
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 12.1km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.583300 ER MED Ambulance Services, 11.2km, call me: +63 915 132 4861
- 4.666700 Metro Star Ambulance Service Incorporated, 9.5km, call me: +63 2 8899 6662
Ambulance service in Davao
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 974.9km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 1166km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 983.2km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 977.9km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 977km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 976.8km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 976.8km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 976.7km,
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 975.1km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 974.8km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
Ambulance service in Cagayan de Oro
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 794.1km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 986.3km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 802.6km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 797.1km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 796.5km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 796.1km,
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 796.1km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 796km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 794.3km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 794.1km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
Ambulance service in General Santos
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 1048.2km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 1243.8km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 1057.8km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 1051.6km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 1051.3km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 1051.2km,
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 1050.5km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 1050.2km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 1048.6km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 1048.5km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
Ambulance service in Bacolod
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 492.8km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 689.1km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 502.5km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 496.3km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 495.9km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 495.9km,
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 495.1km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 494.8km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 493.2km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 493.1km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
Ambulance service in Cebu City
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 572.9km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 763km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 580.7km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 575.8km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 574.7km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 574.6km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 574.6km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 574.2km,
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 573.1km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 572.6km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
Ambulance service in Zamboanga City
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 860.8km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 1060.8km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 874.3km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 868.1km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 867.6km,
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 864.4km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 864.1km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 863.2km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 862.9km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 861.3km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
Ambulance service in Naga City
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 263.5km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 416.6km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 4.818200 RAPID Ambulance Service, 374.2km, call me: +63 933 946 8588
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 265.1km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 264km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 263.2km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 262.5km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 262.5km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 3.750000 Silvia ambulance service, 261.2km, call me: +63 916 532 9430
- 3.916700 Patient Care Ambulance Service, 260.8km, call me: +63 917 138 4420
Ambulance service in Iligan
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 796.9km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 992.5km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 806.5km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 800.2km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 799.9km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 799.8km,
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 799.2km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 798.9km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 797.3km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 797.2km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
Ambulance service in Baguio City
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 204.3km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.818200 RAPID Ambulance Service, 766.8km, call me: +63 933 946 8588
- 4.500000 Sagip Buhay Ambulance Services, 296.8km, call me: +63 42 373 4519
- 4.583300 Stat Med Ambulance Service, 244.6km, call me: +63 915 755 9232
- 4.750000 SPHC AMBULANCE SERVICES, 236.9km, call me: +63 945 635 7668
- 4.583300 Life Alert Medical Clinic and Ambulance Services, 225.5km, call me: +63 2 8809 1459
- 4.666700 Metro Star Ambulance Service Incorporated, 211.7km, call me: +63 2 8899 6662
- 4.733300 Lifecare Ambulance Services, 211.6km, call me: +63 945 682 7350
- 4.545500 Transmed Ambulance Services Corporation, 209.7km, call me: +63 2 8710 3991
- 4.583300 ER MED Ambulance Services, 209.3km, call me: +63 915 132 4861
Ambulance service in Batangas
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 93.4km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.818200 RAPID Ambulance Service, 495.2km, call me: +63 933 946 8588
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 293.1km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 108.1km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 102.2km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 101.7km,
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 97.4km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 96.7km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 96.1km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 95.9km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
Ambulance service in Pasay City
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 8.8km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.818200 RAPID Ambulance Service, 564.8km, call me: +63 933 946 8588
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 209.2km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 4.500000 Sagip Buhay Ambulance Services, 93.9km, call me: +63 42 373 4519
- 4.583300 Stat Med Ambulance Service, 31.6km, call me: +63 915 755 9232
- 4.750000 SPHC AMBULANCE SERVICES, 25.4km, call me: +63 945 635 7668
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 23.6km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 18.4km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 17.9km,
- 4.583300 ER MED Ambulance Services, 15.7km, call me: +63 915 132 4861
Ambulance service in Iloilo
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 466.1km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 664.8km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 477km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 470.7km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 470.3km,
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 469.3km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 468.8km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 468.3km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 467km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 466.5km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
Ambulance service in Legazpi City
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 340.9km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 495km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 342.6km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 341.5km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 340.8km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 340.7km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 340.2km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 3.750000 Silvia ambulance service, 338.6km, call me: +63 916 532 9430
- 3.916700 Patient Care Ambulance Service, 338.2km, call me: +63 917 138 4420
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 338km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
Ambulance service in Angeles City
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 73.5km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.818200 RAPID Ambulance Service, 646.8km, call me: +63 933 946 8588
- 4.500000 Sagip Buhay Ambulance Services, 175.5km, call me: +63 42 373 4519
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 138km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 4.583300 Stat Med Ambulance Service, 111.9km, call me: +63 915 755 9232
- 4.750000 SPHC AMBULANCE SERVICES, 101.5km, call me: +63 945 635 7668
- 4.583300 Life Alert Medical Clinic and Ambulance Services, 93.5km, call me: +63 2 8809 1459
- 4.583300 ER MED Ambulance Services, 85.7km, call me: +63 915 132 4861
- 4.545500 Transmed Ambulance Services Corporation, 82.1km, call me: +63 2 8710 3991
- 4.500000 ECARU AMBULANCE SERVICE, 82km, call me: +63 905 322 9084
Ambulance service in Olongapo
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 77.4km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.818200 RAPID Ambulance Service, 635.5km, call me: +63 933 946 8588
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 175.4km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 4.500000 Sagip Buhay Ambulance Services, 173.5km, call me: +63 42 373 4519
- 4.583300 Stat Med Ambulance Service, 105km, call me: +63 915 755 9232
- 4.583300 ER MED Ambulance Services, 94km, call me: +63 915 132 4861
- 4.750000 SPHC AMBULANCE SERVICES, 92.3km, call me: +63 945 635 7668
- 4.583300 Life Alert Medical Clinic and Ambulance Services, 90.8km, call me: +63 2 8809 1459
- 4.500000 ECARU AMBULANCE SERVICE, 89.5km, call me: +63 905 322 9084
- 4.545500 Transmed Ambulance Services Corporation, 87.3km, call me: +63 2 8710 3991
Ambulance service in Cadiz
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 478.5km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 670.6km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 486.7km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 481.4km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 480.6km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 480.3km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 480.3km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 480.3km,
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 478.7km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 478.3km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
Ambulance service in Tacloban
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 575km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 744.3km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 578.3km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 577.3km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 576.2km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 575.3km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 575km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 573.1km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 572.9km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 572.7km,
Ambulance service in Cotabato
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 894.3km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 1091.6km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 904.5km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 898.3km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 897.9km,
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 897.4km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 896.8km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 896.4km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 895km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 894.6km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
Ambulance service in San Pablo
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 72.2km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.818200 RAPID Ambulance Service, 501.2km, call me: +63 933 946 8588
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 269.7km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 81.8km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 75.5km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 75.2km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 75.1km,
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 74.3km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 74.1km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 72.5km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
Ambulance service in Cabanatuan City
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 97.1km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.818200 RAPID Ambulance Service, 656.6km, call me: +63 933 946 8588
- 4.500000 Sagip Buhay Ambulance Services, 185.9km, call me: +63 42 373 4519
- 4.583300 Stat Med Ambulance Service, 136.4km, call me: +63 915 755 9232
- 4.750000 SPHC AMBULANCE SERVICES, 130.4km, call me: +63 945 635 7668
- 4.583300 Life Alert Medical Clinic and Ambulance Services, 117.7km, call me: +63 2 8809 1459
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 107.4km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 4.666700 Metro Star Ambulance Service Incorporated, 103.8km, call me: +63 2 8899 6662
- 4.733300 Lifecare Ambulance Services, 103.6km, call me: +63 945 682 7350
- 4.545500 Transmed Ambulance Services Corporation, 100.9km, call me: +63 2 8710 3991
Ambulance service in Laoag
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 397.6km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.818200 RAPID Ambulance Service, 942.7km, call me: +63 933 946 8588
- 4.500000 Sagip Buhay Ambulance Services, 483km, call me: +63 42 373 4519
- 4.583300 Stat Med Ambulance Service, 437.3km, call me: +63 915 755 9232
- 4.750000 SPHC AMBULANCE SERVICES, 430.7km, call me: +63 945 635 7668
- 4.583300 Life Alert Medical Clinic and Ambulance Services, 418.5km, call me: +63 2 8809 1459
- 4.666700 Metro Star Ambulance Service Incorporated, 404.5km, call me: +63 2 8899 6662
- 4.733300 Lifecare Ambulance Services, 404.4km, call me: +63 945 682 7350
- 4.545500 Transmed Ambulance Services Corporation, 401.9km, call me: +63 2 8710 3991
- 4.750000 Transcare EMS - Ambulance Service, 400.7km, call me: +63 2 8514 4243
Ambulance service in Butuan
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 801.6km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 985.3km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 808km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 804.3km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 803.2km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 802.9km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 802.1km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 801.8km,
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 801.7km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 800.8km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
Ambulance service in Tarlac City
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 103.8km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.818200 RAPID Ambulance Service, 675.8km, call me: +63 933 946 8588
- 4.500000 Sagip Buhay Ambulance Services, 203km, call me: +63 42 373 4519
- 4.583300 Stat Med Ambulance Service, 143.8km, call me: +63 915 755 9232
- 4.750000 SPHC AMBULANCE SERVICES, 134.7km, call me: +63 945 635 7668
- 4.583300 Life Alert Medical Clinic and Ambulance Services, 124.8km, call me: +63 2 8809 1459
- 4.583300 ER MED Ambulance Services, 112.3km, call me: +63 915 132 4861
- 4.733300 Lifecare Ambulance Services, 111.7km, call me: +63 945 682 7350
- 4.666700 Metro Star Ambulance Service Incorporated, 111.7km, call me: +63 2 8899 6662
- 4.545500 Transmed Ambulance Services Corporation, 110.8km, call me: +63 2 8710 3991
Ambulance service in Ormoc
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 557.7km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 734.2km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 562.4km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 560.2km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 559.1km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 558.5km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 557.8km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 556.7km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 556.5km,
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 556.3km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
Ambulance service in Dagupan City
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 171.4km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.818200 RAPID Ambulance Service, 742.5km, call me: +63 933 946 8588
- 4.500000 Sagip Buhay Ambulance Services, 269.8km, call me: +63 42 373 4519
- 4.583300 Stat Med Ambulance Service, 211.5km, call me: +63 915 755 9232
- 4.750000 SPHC AMBULANCE SERVICES, 202.2km, call me: +63 945 635 7668
- 4.583300 Life Alert Medical Clinic and Ambulance Services, 192.5km, call me: +63 2 8809 1459
- 4.583300 ER MED Ambulance Services, 179.4km, call me: +63 915 132 4861
- 4.733300 Lifecare Ambulance Services, 179.3km, call me: +63 945 682 7350
- 4.666700 Metro Star Ambulance Service Incorporated, 179.2km, call me: +63 2 8899 6662
- 4.545500 Transmed Ambulance Services Corporation, 178.2km, call me: +63 2 8710 3991
Ambulance service in Pagadian
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 798.6km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 997.5km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 809.6km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 803.3km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 802.9km,
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 801.8km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 801.4km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 800.8km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 799.6km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 799km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
Ambulance service in Puerto Princesa
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 590.6km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 760.3km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 607.7km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 603km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 602.5km,
- 4.583300 ER MED Ambulance Services, 597.2km, call me: +63 915 132 4861
- 4.500000 ECARU AMBULANCE SERVICE, 595.9km, call me: +63 905 322 9084
- 3.923100 Stat Med Ambulance Service, 595.9km, call me: +63 2 8355 8171
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 595.6km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 595.3km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
Ambulance service in Tuguegarao
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 340.5km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.818200 RAPID Ambulance Service, 841.2km, call me: +63 933 946 8588
- 4.500000 Sagip Buhay Ambulance Services, 406km, call me: +63 42 373 4519
- 4.583300 Stat Med Ambulance Service, 376.1km, call me: +63 915 755 9232
- 4.750000 SPHC AMBULANCE SERVICES, 373.1km, call me: +63 945 635 7668
- 4.583300 Life Alert Medical Clinic and Ambulance Services, 359.1km, call me: +63 2 8809 1459
- 4.666700 Metro Star Ambulance Service Incorporated, 345.7km, call me: +63 2 8899 6662
- 4.733300 Lifecare Ambulance Services, 345.3km, call me: +63 945 682 7350
- 3.916700 Patient Care Ambulance Service, 341.9km, call me: +63 917 138 4420
- 3.750000 Silvia ambulance service, 341.6km, call me: +63 916 532 9430
Ambulance service in Roxas City
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 387.8km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 582.1km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 396.6km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 390.7km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 390.4km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 390.1km,
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 389.8km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 389.7km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 388km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 387.8km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
Ambulance service in Ozamiz City
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 782.2km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 979.6km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 792.5km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 786.2km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 785.8km,
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 785.4km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 784.8km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 784.3km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 782.9km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 782.6km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
Ambulance service in Surigao
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 727km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 905.5km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 732.3km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 729.6km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 728.4km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 727.9km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 727.1km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 726.5km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 726.2km,
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 725.8km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
Ambulance service in Calbayog City
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 484.8km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 647.6km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 487km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 486.8km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 485.8km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 484.8km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 484.8km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 482.6km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 3.750000 Silvia ambulance service, 482.5km, call me: +63 916 532 9430
- 4.692300 Ambucore Ambulance Services, 482.1km, call me: +63 2 8925 6292
Ambulance service in Vigan
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 332.4km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.818200 RAPID Ambulance Service, 888.6km, call me: +63 933 946 8588
- 4.500000 Sagip Buhay Ambulance Services, 422.4km, call me: +63 42 373 4519
- 4.583300 Stat Med Ambulance Service, 372.6km, call me: +63 915 755 9232
- 4.750000 SPHC AMBULANCE SERVICES, 365km, call me: +63 945 635 7668
- 4.583300 Life Alert Medical Clinic and Ambulance Services, 353.5km, call me: +63 2 8809 1459
- 4.666700 Metro Star Ambulance Service Incorporated, 339.7km, call me: +63 2 8899 6662
- 4.733300 Lifecare Ambulance Services, 339.6km, call me: +63 945 682 7350
- 4.545500 Transmed Ambulance Services Corporation, 337.4km, call me: +63 2 8710 3991
- 4.583300 ER MED Ambulance Services, 336.7km, call me: +63 915 132 4861
Ambulance service in Magugpo Poblacion
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 959.5km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 1148.6km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 967.2km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 962.4km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 961.3km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 961.2km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 961.1km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 960.8km,
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 959.7km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 959.2km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
Ambulance service in San Carlos
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 521.3km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 714.7km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 530km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 524.2km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 523.8km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 523.4km,
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 523.3km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 523.2km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 521.5km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 521.3km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
Ambulance service in Gingoog
- 4.692300 Ambulance Service - Archer Ambulance, 785.1km, call me: +63 917 798 8870
- 4.666700 North EV Ambulance Service (NEVAS), 972.7km, call me: +63 928 286 9006
- 5.000000 SOLEMS AMBULANCE SERVICES, 792.4km, call me: +63 949 333 6135
- 4.666700 Regina Air Ambulance Services, 788km, call me: +63 935 964 8462
- 4.583300 Careplus Ambulance Service Inc., 786.9km, call me: +63 906 818 4199
- 4.833300 AlphaMed Ambulance Service, 786.7km, call me: +63 977 806 8880
- 4.750000 Emergency One Ambulance Services 24/7, 786.4km, call me: +63 2 8461 7247
- 4.583300 Emergency One Ambulance Services, 786.1km,
- 4.250000 LifeShield Ambulance Services, 785.3km, call me: +63 968 838 8300
- 3.333300 CAREPLUSS EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE, 784.7km, call me: +63 906 818 4199